All purchases are made by using this website and by paypal buying system, no other purchase system is allowed.
[No refund/exchange can be made after buying an FM|T application.] All purchases are definitive, so thanks to read carefully the application description on the shop page before buying anything. It is also important to know how work TMAPI or CCAPI before purchasing.
A dispute on the paypal platform will be followed by a FM|T account suspension.
Bought applications on the website will possibly get free uppdates, adding new functionnalities or better compatibility with the game. In this case, you can download them here. However, there is no guarantee that a application update will be done.
It is forbidden to share any applications bought on this website, if such thing is done, the FM|T account responsible for this, will be banned.
After buying one of our applications, you have the right to ask questions by using our ticket system on this website here. Any other way to request support will not work, so do not try to ask questions on facebook/skype, you will not get any answers.
A ticket must be written in French or in English !
If you make a ticket, please :
do not spam
wait for an answer from the FM|T staff, do not forget that you are not the only one to ask for help.
do not abuse of this system, try to find yourself a solution before making a ticket
make a precise post, while explaining your problem, you can add picture to it so it is easier to understand what you want. A ticket saying "it doesn't work" without any explanations will be immediately closed.
keep in mind that tickets are made to help you about FM|T applications, no other questions will be answered.If those rules are not followed, you will be banned from the support.
FM|T Account
You are allowed to possess several FM|T account if you want.
One account is linked to one computer, this choice is made at the first use of one of our applications, make the right choice when you want to activate your licence on a computer. It is possible to change the registered computer, but this is only authorized on rare occasions, and the reason must be valid to do so. If you are abusing of this feature, the account will stay linked to the current computer.
It is totally forbidden to share your FM|T account with an other user, in that case, the FM|T account shared will be immediately banned and you will lose all purchases made.
It is not allowed to sell your FM|T account.
Ads are not allowed on the chatbox, only links to screenshot, youtube links are allowed.
You are not allowed to offer services on the chatbox.